How to Advance as a Martial Artist (3)

Be open minded Try new styles. As you learn a martial art, you get glimpses into specific situations and how you can react. Today, most every martial art has branched of into its own specialty. Taekwondo specializes in kicks, Karate in strikes, Kenjutsu in swords, Jodo in Jo, judo in throws, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu in grappling. If youContinue reading “How to Advance as a Martial Artist (3)”

How to Advance as a Martial Artist (2)

Record yourself, and study your own movements There is so much you will be able to see regarding your form, fluidity, and more that makes recording yourself an absolute must. Each time you think you have something down, record yourself, and you will likely be able to find at least one, if not a handful ofContinue reading “How to Advance as a Martial Artist (2)”

How to Advance as a Martial Artist (1)

Something that I often ask myself and hear from others is “How can I become a better martial artist?” Here were some of my thoughts (with more to come later).  Find people better than you      Often in larger schools it is difficult to see the head instructor perform techniques, ask them questions, orContinue reading “How to Advance as a Martial Artist (1)”